


ADD:Hainan City, Haikou Province, China City, coconut Sea Road No.8
Producton line of ca

Producton line of can making

Magnetic elevator
Magnetic elevator
Magnetic elevator Magnetic elevator Magnetic elevator Magnetic elevator Magnetic elevator

The detailed content

Most can production process are needed to various forms of empty cans lifting, lowering, turned upside down, or in the transformation of transmission, such as docking, P, L, N, C, S different forms of magnetic hoist can meet the needs of different transport situation, respectively is: P type magnetic belt winding machine, L magnetic belt winding machine, N type magnetic belt winding machine, C type magnetic belt winding machine, S type magnetic belt winding machine.

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ADD:Hainan City, Haikou Province, China City, coconut Sea Road No.8    Mobile:+86-13876329811    TEL:+86-898-66860031     FAX:+86-898-66860082
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